Month: October 2021

Government, to three women for the main tasks

TORONTO – Nineteen ministers and nineteen ministers, with the three most important ministries entrusted to three women. The new federal government led by Justin Trudeau – after those resulting from the electoral victories of 2015 and 2019 – takes on a very specific connotation, where there is a perfect equal balance of gender that becomes the predominant element compared to other factors that have historically characterized the process of formation of the executive in Canada, such as geographical origin or ethnic origin.  (more…)

Reconciliation with the natives, the Pope arrives in Canada

TORONTO – The Pope arrives. When, we still do not know but the news is certain because today the Vatican itself published it through an article on the Vatican News website: “The Pope wants to go to Canada in the context of the indigenous question” . In a nutshell, Francis said he was willing to accept the invitation of the Canadian episcopate, engaged in the process of reconciliation with the natives. “The dates of the visit will be made official soon”, reads the article (more…)

Ontario, disabili ‘puniti’ dal sistema del Green Pass

TORONTO – Il governo dell’Ontario ha revocato i limiti di capacità e ha reso la vita un po’ più semplice ad alcuni esercizi commerciali come ristoranti, palestre e spazi per eventi. Sfortunatamente, il governo provinciale non è riuscito a soddisfare le esigenze delle persone con disabilità e in particolare di quelle che non possono essere vaccinate per il Covid-19… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>