Category: Gastronomy

No cell phone in the Italian ‘pinseria’: if you don’t use it, you win

TORONTO – It’s not a real “ban”, but rather a “warm invitation”, with a final prize: if you don’t touch your cell phone during dinner, you go home with a $5 discount voucher for your next evening in the restaurant. And the place in question could only be Italian, because for people originally from the “Bel Paese” the meal is sacred. “A real sensorial experience, I would say…” explains Gino Benevenga, owner of the pinseria-restaurant “Venga Cucina”, where the original “ban” has been in force for a few weeks, with a sign at the entrance. 


Italian “snacks”? Kitchen jewels within everyone’s reach

NEW YORK – Calling it a “book” is a diminutio. Just browse it quickly to realize it. “Italian Snacking”, the latest work by Anna Francese Gass, is not a simple “cookbook”: it is a work of art. Of course, cooking is an art in itself: but this new volume by the famous Italian-American culinary influencer goes beyond the classic “recipe book” and is – rather – the catalog of a museum of precious Italian culinary “jewels”: snacks.  (more…)

Authentic Italian cuisine under the spotlight in Vancouver with “Mamma Marzia”

VANCOUVER – It’s Italian Heritage Month in Canada, and there are initiatives in the name of ‘Italianness’ taking place almost every day throughout the country. One of these took place in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the initiative of Marzia Molatore, a well-known Italian-Canadian chef, creator of the “Bella Cibo” brand and author of the book  “Cooking With Mamma Marzia” which had great success in Canada and beyond.  (more…)

CORRIERE CANADESE / L’autentica cucina italiana sale in cattedra a Vancouver

VANCOUVER – È l’Italian Heritage Month, in Canada, e si susseguono quasi ogni giorno iniziative, in tutto il Paese, all’insegna dell’italianità. Una di queste si è svolta a Vancouver, in British Columbia, per iniziativa di Marzia Molatore, nota cuoca italocanadese, creatrice del brand “Bella Cibo” ed autrice del libro “Cooking With Mamma Marzia” che ha avuto un grande successo in Canada e non solo… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>