Author: Marzio Pelù

CORRIERE CANADESE / Il traffico ci costa caro: 56 miliardi di dollari

TORONTO – La congestione del traffico a Toronto, e più in generale in Ontario, non crea solo problemi ai… nervi di chi deve muoversi, ma ha anche un costo che ammonterebbe a più di 56 miliardi di dollari ogni anno, secondo il rapporto commissionato dalla Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) e dall’Ontario Road Builders’ Association (ORBA) al CANCEA (The Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis) e pubblicato ieri… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Traffic congestion is expensive: it costs Ontario $56B annually (so far…)

TORONTO – Traffic congestion in Toronto, and more generally in Ontario, not only creates problems for the nerves of those who have to move, but also has a cost that would amount to more than 56 billion dollars each year, according to the report commissioned by the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) and the Ontario Road Builders’ Association (ORBA) at CANCEA (The Canadian Center for Economic Analysis) and released today. 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Francis Leo è ufficialmente cardinale. “Sono commosso. E fiero delle mie radici italiane”

CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – Nel decimo Concistoro del pontificato di Papa Francesco svoltosi sabato nella basilica vaticana, gremita di 5.500 fedeli, sono stati creati 21 nuovi cardinali, provenienti da ogni angolo del mondo: dall’Algeria all’Iran, dall’Ucraina al Cile ed al Brasile, dall’Argentina al Giappone, passando per Roma, Napoli e Torino, i fedeli di tutti i cinque continenti si sono riuniti in Vaticano per rendere omaggio alle “loro” nuove porpore… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Francis Leo is officially Cardinal. “I’m touched. And proud of my Italian roots”

VATICAN CITY – In the tenth Consistory of the pontificate of Pope Francis which took place on Saturday in the Vatican basilica, packed with 5,500 faithful, 21 new Cardinals were created, coming from every corner of the world: from Algeria to Iran, from Ukraine to Chile and to Brazil, from Argentina to Japan, passing through Rome, Naples and Turin, the faithful from all five continents gathered in the Vatican to pay homage to the “their” new porporati (“dressed in purple”, from the colour of their robe).