Day: 7 November 2024

Conclave Director ousts Italian Characters

TORONTO – Conclave, the film adaptation of Robert Harris’ 2016 fictional novel about internal conflict and political maneuvering within the Vatican, was released in theatres on October 25th. The film, directed by German born Edward Berger opened in 1,500 theaters, and brought in $6.6 million domestically [on opening weekend] following its premier at the Telluride Film Festival in Colorado – a notable launching pad for previous successful Oscar Campaigns. 

Climate change, Canada asks China and Arabia to contribute more to save the environment

OTTAWA – China and Saudi Arabia “must contribute” to international efforts to help poorer countries grappling with the worst effects of climate change: federal Minister of Environment, Steven Guilbeault, said it Wednesday, just a few days before the start of the annual UN climate summit, COP29, which will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, next week. There, countries are expected to negotiate a new international target to raise the trillions of dollars that experts say are needed to mitigate the worst effects of global warming.

CORRIERE CANADESE / Piste ciclabili, il governo accelera i tempi

TORONTO – Il governo Ford è in procinto di affossare il dibattito su una legge che renderà più difficile per le città costruire piste ciclabili. Il Government House Leader Steve Clark ha spostato il dibattito su una mozione per annullare il resto della seconda lettura per il Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, l’Affordable Energy Act e il Fall Economic Statement… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

CORRIERE CANADESE / I meriti di Trump e i demeriti di Kamala, il senso di insicurezza ha deciso la sfida

TORONTO – Donald Trump torna alla Casa Bianca dalla porta principale, con una vittoria clamorosa la cui portata ha mandato all’aria le previsioni della vigilia. Per settimane abbiamo sentito sondaggisti, presunti esperti e analisti politici ripeterci ad nauseam come queste elezioni presidenziali sarebbero state estremamente equilibrate, decise probabilmente da una manciata di voti nei sette Stati chiave… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>