Day: 15 January 2025

“Canada is not for sale”: Trudeau and the premiers seeking unity against Trump (and Ford advertises a hat)

TORONTO – A “strong, national response” is needed to Donald Trump’s threats that will materialize in a few days, when the president-elect enters the Oval Office of the White House: 25% tariffs on all Canadian goods arriving in the United States. In an attempt to find that “strong, national response”, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (who is on his way to resign, when the Liberal Party will have its new leader) met with Canadian premiers in Ottawa today to seek a common strategy. “None of us wants to see tariffs erode a successful partnership between Canada and the United States” Trudeau wrote on Twitter X, before the meeting. “But we will be ready with a strong, national response if we need one”.

CORRIERE CANADESE / Ford: “Con i dazi l’Ontario perderà 500mila posti di lavoro”. E rilancia la “Fortress Am-Can”

TORONTO – I dazi minacciati dal presidente eletto degli Stati Uniti, Donald Trump, sui prodotti canadesi, potrebbero causare la perdita di 500.000 posti di lavoro in Ontario, creando la necessità di investire miliardi di dollari: lo ha detto il premier dell’Ontario, Doug Ford, ieri, nel corso della conferenza stampa indetta a Toronto per parlare del suo piano “Fortress Am-Can”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>