Day: 22 January 2025

CORRIERE CANADESE / Flavio Volpe sulle tariffe USA: “Prudenza e cautela prima di reagire”

TORONTO – Si è tenuta martedì la riunione del “Council on Canada-U.S. Relations”, l’organismo istituito da Justin Trudeau per studiare contromisure in seguito all’annuncio del Presidente degli Stati Uniti, Donald Trump, di stabilire tariffe del 25% su tutte i beni in arrivo dal Canada. Del “Consiglio” fanno parte diciotto fra ex premiers, uomini e donne d’affari e responsabili di settori industriali: fra questi c’è anche Flavio Volpe, unico italo-canadese nominato dal primo ministro… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Flavio Volpe on US tariffs: “Prudence and caution before reacting”

TORONTO – On Tuesday,  the “Council on Canada-U.S. Relations”, established by Justin Trudeau met to explore countermeasures following the announcement by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to put a 25% tariff on all goods arriving from Canada. The “Council”, of eighteen members includes former Premiers, businessmen/women and heads of industrial sectors. Among them, Flavio Volpe, the only Italian-Canadian appointed by the Prime Minister.

Donald Trump, President. To Panic or Not to Panic?

TORONTO – The inauguration of the “new” American President came and went January 20, but the much feared imposition of a 25% tariff on Canadian goods and services did not materialize. What Trump di deliver was a directive to the pertinent departments of US government to provide his office with a complete analysis of Acts, Regulations and Outcomes of initiatives impacting on economic programs affecting Canada-USA relations.  By April 1, 2025.