Day: 23 January 2025

“The Leopard” comes to Netflix

TORONTO – The Leopard, based on Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s 1958 novel, has been made into a new 6-part television series and is coming to Netflix this March 5th. The work was famously adapted to screen by Luchino Visconti in 1963, and starred some of the era’s biggest actors: Burt Lancaster (as Don Fabrizio Corbera), Alain Delon and Claudia Cardinale. And although that film adaptation won the Palm D’or and is now widely considered a classic film, this new incarnation of The Leopard looks no less interesting. 

Canada expects exodus from Trump’s US

TORONTO – Ending birthright citizenship for those born in the U.S. whose parents were in the country illegally or temporarily; increasing security at the border; tightening enforcement of immigration laws including promised mass deportations of millions of immigrants; suspending the U.S. refugee assistance program; recognizing only male and female gender identities. 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Consolato di Toronto: mai così tanti i servizi erogati

TORONTO – Il Consolato Generale d’Italia a Toronto nel 2024 non solo conferma gli ottimi dati del 2023 in termini di servizi erogati, ma addirittura li migliora considerevolmente, nonostante già due anni fa si potesse parlare di “numeri da record” (ecco il nostro articolo dell’anno scorso: Numeri da record per il Consolato di Toronto: raddoppiato il numero di passaporti rilasciati). Basta dare un’occhiata al bilancio pubblicato, per trasparenza, sul sito dello stesso Consolato, per rendersene conto: … Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>