TORONTO – An English language version of the 1982 publication Hollywood on the Tiber was released last week. The tell-all memoir by Rome talent agents Hank Kaufman and Gene Lerner, dished on the lives of glamourous movie stars, and included anecdotes involving iconic actors and actresses like Sophia Loren, Shelly Winters, Robert Graves and Marlon Brando. And the enigmatic Brando, as expected, is the marketing lure for the English translation.
TORONTO – The “tariff war” between USA and Canada, so far only announced and in fact not yet started, inevitably continues to dominate the electoral campaign in Ontario even after the news that the potential US tariffs are suspended for thirty days for further negotiations. →
TORONTO – Un nuovo sondaggio della Canadian Medical Association (CMA) mostra che la disinformazione sanitaria è in aumento, poiché sempre più canadesi si rivolgono ai social media per ottenere notizie rispetto alle organizzazioni dei media tradizionali…
TORONTO – Democratic elections are supposed to be about accountability. We are only a few days into the Ontario Provincial election and already several themes have emerged that may determine the outcome. For voters in the GTA, none of them are “local”…
TORONTO – Le elezioni democratiche tipicamente mettono alla prova il livello di responsabilità svolto da chi governa. Siamo a pochi giorni soltanto dall’inizio delle elezioni provinciali dell’Ontario e già sono emersi diversi temi che potrebbero determinarne l’esito. Per gli elettori della GTA nessuno di questi è “locale”…