Author: Hon. Joe Volpe

The less they know, the louder their voice: just mind your business

TORONTO – As if we Canadians did not have enough distractions. A quasi-judicial hearing into foreign interference in our electoral system was just coming to a conclusion on Friday. Senior government ministers and officials had appeared with seemingly contrasting statements on whether there had been, continues to be or may be surreptitious efforts by foreign entities to insinuate themselves in our affairs. 


CORRIERE CANADESE / Aborto, un’industria da $100 milioni l’anno

TORONTO – Avevo abbandonato l’emittente canadese di riferimento, CBC-Radio Canada. Mi sembrava che perdesse costantemente l’opportunità di trovare o definire quei momenti o questioni unificanti che ci fanno sentire tutti parte di qualcosa di più grande del nostro insignificante “ego”. Ultimamente, la sua leadership si è concentrata ancora una volta su attacchi non proprio velati alla leadership cattolica… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>