Category: Canada

Canada, $1 billion to new national school food program

TORONTO – Jagmeet orders, Justin executes. As already happened with the Dental Care Plan and Pharmacare, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately fell into line when the leader of the NDP, Jagmeet Singh (who is keeping the minority Liberal government alive), invited the executive to respect the promise made during the 2021 election campaign but never kept: to finance a new national school food program.  (more…)

Le Canada se classe parmi les meilleurs pour attirer les dollars étrangers

La semaine dernière, le Sénat a adopté le projet de loi C-34, Loi sur la modernisation de l’examen de la sécurité nationale des investissements. Le Comité sénatorial des banques, dont le sénateur Tony Loffreda est vice-président, a révisé le projet de loi et l’a adopté sans aucun amendement, mais avec quelques observations fermes adressées au gouvernement. Considérant l’importance de ce projet de loi pour attirer les investissements étrangers directs, le sénateur a choisi d’écrire son plus récent article sur le projet de loi et les travaux du comité. 


Investimenti esteri più sicuri con la riforma dell’Investment Canada Act

La settimana scorsa, il Senato ha adottato il disegno di legge C-34, la legge sulla revisione della sicurezza nazionale sulla modernizzazione degli investimenti. La Commissione bancaria del Senato, di cui il senatore Tony Loffreda è vicepresidente, ha rivisto il disegno di legge e lo ha adottato senza alcun emendamento, ma con alcune forti osservazioni rivolte al governo. Considerando l’importanza di questo disegno di legge nell’attrarre investimenti esteri diretti, il senatore ha scelto di scrivere il suo articolo più recente sul disegno di legge e sul lavoro della commissione. 


Canada Ranks Among the Best in Attracting Foreign Dollars

Last week, the Senate adopted Bill C-34, the National Security Review of Investments Modernization Act.  The Senate Banking Committee, on which the Senator Tony Loffreda serves as Vice-Chair, reviewed the bill and adopted it without any amendments, but with some strong observations directed to the government.  Considering the importance of this bill in attracting direct foreign investments, the Senator chose to write his most recent piece on the bill and the work of the committee. 
