Category: Canada

CORRIERE CANADESE / Significati della vita e scopi delle organizzazioni

TORONTO – Siamo un giornale laico, che racconta i comportamenti umani, ne analizza le motivazioni, spiega i contesti e valuta i “valori” – se ce ne sono – generati da quelle dinamiche. I leader e le organizzazioni, formali e informali, tipicamente assumono (o gli viene concesso) il privilegio di codificare le filosofie e le ideologie che definiscono i criteri per l’appartenenza a tali organizzazioni e conferiscono dignità al percorso della Vita. Si possono seguire altre filosofie o cercare di attuare altri ideali, ma in tal caso non si può rivendicare l’appartenenza ad un’altra organizzazione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Meanings of Life and Purposes of Organizations

TORONTO – We are a lay newspaper, reporting on human behaviour, analyzing motivations, explaining contexts and evaluating “values” – if any – generated by those dynamics. Leaders and organizations, formal and informal, typically assume (or are given) the privilege of codifying the philosophies and ideologies that define the criteria for membership in their organizations and confer dignity on the journey of Life. One can follow other philosophies or seek to implement other ideals, but, then one cannot claim membership in that (RC) organization.


Immigration Minister: “International students, a system out of control”

TORONTO — Canada’s international student immigration system is “out of control.” You can expect such a statement from a member of the opposition. Instead, a minister said so. And not even just any minister: the federal minister of Immigration, the one who should be the director of that “control”: Mark Miller. But his words actually sound like an accusation towards those who preceded him in the Ministry of Immigration: his cabinet colleague Sean Fraser. Bad vibes in Trudeau’s government…


No charges (so far) for the chaos in Mississauga during Diwali, but “the matter is currently under review”

TORONTO – Two months ago, on 12nd November, Diwali festivities turned violent in a parking lot close to the Westwood Mall in Malton, in between the cities of Mississauga and Brampton: after transforming the car park into a sort of waste dump, with remains of fireworks abandoned on the ground, a group of people began throwing these objects at another group, with the risk of damages and injuries. Everything was immortalized in a video where you can clearly see what happened (click here to watch the video).  (more…)

CORRIERE CANADESE / Addio all’ex leader NDP Ed Broadbent. “Si è battuto per costruire un Paese al servizio di tutti”

TORONTO – Ed Broadbent, forte fautore della social democrazia in Canada che ha promosso con convinzione autorevolezza  e coerente leadership, si è spento ieri all’età di 87 anni. Broadbent fu determinante per la costruzione e lo sviluppo del moderno New Democratic Party (NDP) . Per questo viene considerato un titano della politica canadese del secolo… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>