Category: Politics

Provincial Liberals on the Hunt for Votes in the Italian Community

TORONTO – The election is at least two years away, but it is never too early to get ready, most notably after two disastrous campaigns based on nebulous (I am being overly kind), contentious social policies and uncommitted campaign organization. The Provincial Liberal “brain trust”  did its very most to alienate its traditional base in a zealous pursuit  of the “progressive” electorate, which had already migrated to the NDP. Outcomes would have been predictable – even for neophytes. 


CORRIERE CANADESE / Caos Carbon Tax: Poilievre all’attacco, David Eby unico premier a favore

TORONTO – È ancora la querelle sulla Carbon Tax ad animare il dibattito politico canadese. Con i premier sul piede di guerra, con una decina di proteste organizzate da cittadini e associazioni di categoria un po’ in tutto il Paese e con l’opposizione che chiede il passo indietro, il primo ministro Justin Trudeau si trova ancora una volta al centro della bufera… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>