Tag: canadian

Canadian community humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The humanitarian crisis in Europe continues to develop amid the increasing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. It is generating spontaneous aid from Canadians in the Toronto area.

Thousands of Ukrainians, mostly women and children, are leaving their home headed to neighbouring countries to escape the bombs and missiles landing near their towns and villages. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNRA), more than one million people have fled from Ukraine since the start of the military operation.


Canadian prices on the rise forcing consumers to spend more

The holiday shopping season is in full swing. This year’s outlook is forecasted to be better than last year, according to Deloitte Canada. The accounting organization that specializes in professional services like audit, consulting and financial advisory suggests shoppers are likely to spend an estimated average of $1,841 this holiday season, an increase of 31%, compared to the $1,405 spent last year.

With over 75% of eligible Canadians fully vaccinated against Covid-19 combined with heightened consumer confidence, it’s understandable that more people are likely to venture out this year to celebrate and spend more doing so. Yet, not all appears to be positive.


Governo federale: giuramento il 26 ottobre, scontro e polemica sui ritardi

TORONTO – Non si spegne la polemica sul lungo e travagliato processo di formazione del nuovo governo. Il primo ministro Justin Trudeau ha annunciato che il giuramento dei nuovi componenti dell’esecutivo avrà luogo il 26 ottobre, mentre la prima seduta della House of Commons con i deputati eletti nelle elezioni del 20 settembre è stata programmata per il 22 novembre… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>