Tag: digital”

Touching Base through Digital Chat

These past thirteen months have been marked by an unusual way of communicating – Zoom. People have been working from home and resorting to this platform to discuss the status of whatever has been assigned to them. And, families and friends have been accessing the online chat feature of the app to connect with each other. With the never-ending lockdowns or stay-at-home orders, one thing defines this pandemic: loneliness. (more…)

Abra a porta do Consulado sempre que precise, use a “CHAVE MÓVEL DIGITAL”

25 de Fevereiro de 2021, 17 horas, está no ar, na GoLive Tv o programa “Today in Toronto with Manuel Alexandre”.

Como prometido, na última Quinta-feira da cada mês, o Sr.Cônsul Geral de Portugal em Toronto, Dr José Mendes marca presença para informar a comunidade portuguesa  sobre o que respeita à actividade do Consulado.

De forma simples e empenhada, o Sr. Cônsul e seus colaboradores,estiveram neste programa essencialmente para responder as perguntas/sugestões que lhes foram enviadas via Facebook “pergunteaoconsulado@gmail.com”. (more…)

Open the Consulate door whenever you need, use the “DIGITAL MOBILE KEY”

February 25, 2021, 5 pm, the program “Today in Toronto with Manuel Alexandre” is on GoLive Tv.

As promised, on the last Thursday of each month, the Consul General of Portugal in Toronto, Dr. José Mendes will be present to inform the Portuguese community about the activities of the Consulate.

In a simple and committed way, Mr. Consul and his collaborators, were in this program essentially to answer the questions/suggestions sent to them via Facebook “inquireaoconsulado@gmail.com”. (more…)