Tag: english

“Feds”, four key issues remain unresolved: open letter to public servants and Canadians

TORONTO – Four key issues to resolve. And the strike goes on. A week into the large-scale mobilization of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), the federal government comes out of the closet with an “open letter to public employees and Canadians”, in which the chair of the Treasury Board, Mona Fortier, reveals the critical points of the negotiation with the PSAC for the renewal of the contract of federal civil servants.  (more…)

Local Education Bureaucrats Are Out of Control

TORONTO – We may soon lose the models for establishing education priorities in this province that are relevant to the people whom they are designed to serve. No, we are not talking about national goals and standards. In the framework of our Constitutional compromise, even if collectively we recognize national and transnational educational skills shared commonly, authority over education is purely within what we call provincial jurisdiction, Section 93 of the Constitution Act. 
