Tag: gta

Case, “i prezzi scenderanno solo dell’1%”

TORONTO – Nel 2023, i prezzi delle case potrebbe scendere solo dell’1%: è quanto emerge da una nuova indagine di mercato effettuata da Royal LePage. Il prezzo (medio) di una casa in Canada sarebbe dunque destinato a scendere solo dell’1% su base annua da $ 772.900 a $ 765.171: una notizia qualcosa che potrebbe deludere gli acquirenti di case speranzosi che l’aumento dei tassi di interesse avrebbe spinto verso il basso i prezzi delle case… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Violent car thefts in the GTA, police arrest two other suspects

TORONTO – Two suspects arrested while the hunt for two others continues. Today during a press conference at its headquarters the Toronto Police updated the residents of the city on the ongoing investigation into the growing wave of violent car thefts. Sometimes, drivers are even thrown out of their car. “One can only imagine the trauma of people whose vehicles are stolen by violent individuals waiting for them in parking lots, at traffic lights, even in the driveway of their home, who ambush them – said Inspector Rich Harris – with their actions they cause a heavy psychological impact on the victims”. 
