Tag: position

Rebus ministri: ecco chi è in pole position

ROMA – Dopo il voto e le analisi dei numeri, scatta – come sempre – il “totoministri”: chi farà parte della “squadra” di Giorgia Meloni? Siamo solo alle ipotesi, ma una certezza c’è: Fratelli d’Italia ha il 26%, la Lega è sotto il 9% e Forza Italia si è fermata all’8%. Numeri alla mano, la parte del leone la faranno gli uomini e le donne della Meloni, che probabilmente andranno a ricoprire i ruoli-chiave, cioè quelli di ministeri “strategici”: Economia, Affari Esteri, Viminale e Difesa… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Board Chair position up for grabs at the TCDSB

It is that time of year when the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) decides who will hold the position of Chair and Vice-Chair. Trustees will soon make that decision at the Board meeting on November 25. After serving two years as Board Chair, Joseph Martino confirmed to the Corriere that he will not seek the position.

However, the position is a sought after; several Trustees are vying for the spot. (more…)

Federal government wants to position Canada as a global leader in cybersecurity

New program with investment of $80 million over four years

With the digital economy continuing to grow rapidly, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity is an ever-increasing concern for Canadians and businesses. Aware of this reality, the federal government announced this Thursday the new Cyber Security Innovation Network program, a federal investment of $80 million over four years. (more…)