Tag: tk’emlúps

Leader in difficoltà: Trudeau dai Tk’emlúps, O’Toole nodo vaccini

TORONTO – Prosegue la via crucis post elettorale per Justin Trudeau ed Erin O’Toole. Il primo ministro in pectore e il leader del Partito Conservatore continuano a dover fare i conti con le debolezze e le contraddizioni emerse nelle ultime settimane, in vista del giuramento del nuovo governo il prossimo 26 ottobre e il riavvio dei lavori parlamentari in programma il 22 novembre… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Tk’emlúps and vaccine mandate, Leaders on the line

TORONTO – The post-election Way of the Cross continues for Justin Trudeau and Erin O’Toole. The prime minister in pectore and the leader of the Conservative Party continue to have to deal with the weaknesses and contradictions that have emerged in recent weeks, in view of the swearing-in of the new government on October 26 and the resumption of parliamentary work scheduled for November 22. Today Trudeau visited the Tk’emlúps First Nation, a trip of high symbolic value made to remedy the sensational political gaffe of September 30.  (more…)