Tag: where

Scientists stumbling in the dark: where is the credibility?

TORONTO – Just so that no-one gets the wrong impression, I am considered fully vaccinated for Covid-19, and have already had the now seemingly obligatory booster for greater efficacy. Nor am I ideologically or philosophically an “ant-vaxxer”. Neither I nor the Corriere are in the business of disseminating bad information, untruths or conspiracy theories – especially as they relate to the health and wellbeing of the population, irrespective of race, colour, sex, age. 


Chaos and accusations: in Ottawa we start again from where we left off

TORONTO – Ottawa starts again exactly as the last legislature ended: accusations, controversies, poisons. The climate of institutional bon ton lasted very little, time to elect the new Speaker of the House – with the reconfirmation of the Italian Canadian Anthony Rota – and to listen to the historic Speech from the Throne of the Governor General Mary Simon – the first in English, French and in the Inuit language – and in the Canadian parliament we returned to the old good manners.  (more…)

Constitutional challenges galore, Rocco Galati where are you?

Article by The Hon. Joe Volpe — Video: CNMNG Staff

TORONTO – A new religion – the sexualization of civic and human rights and obligations – appears to be clouding people’s judgement everywhere, eroding the concept of moderation and suffocating freedoms of thought and expression which are at the heart of democratic structures and contractual institutions. (more…)

Mother’s Day, origin and curiosity: how it was born and where it is celebrated

TORONTO – Sunday 9 May 2021 is Mother’s Day, a recurrence that is widespread all over the world. While the decision to dedicate a day to mothers is common to many countries, the choice of the day in question is different, for an event that is celebrated at a different time of the year depending on where you are. There are also several stories related to the origin of the festival, which in the past had a fixed date in our country and is now celebrated on the second Sunday of May instead. (more…)