Author: Marzio Pelù

CORRIERE CANADESE / Quebec, l’indipendenza non è archiviata

TORONTO – Pochi giorni fa, l’aveva “buttata lì” Francois Legault: il premier del Quebec aveva minacciato il primo ministro Justin Trudeau di indire un referendum sull’immigrazione (per la quale il Quebec vuole più poteri, per difendere la francofonia) e “forse anche su altri argomenti”. Poi, è arrivato in visita il primo ministro francese Gabriel Attal: baci e abbracci con Francois Legault. Immediatamente dopo, domenica, un annuncio: … Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Quebec, independence is not archived

DRUMMONDVILLE – A few days ago, Francois Legault threatened to call a referendum on immigration (because Quebec wants “more powers, to defend the francophonie”) and “maybe also on other topics”. Then, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal arrived for a visit: hugs and kisses with Quebec’s premier. Immediately afterwards, on Sunday, an announcement: Parti Québécois leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon told about 500 party members at the PQ’s national council in Drummondville that Quebecers have one “last” chance to protect their language and culture amid what he called an “existential threat” from Ottawa. And he reiterated his commitment to a third referendum on Quebec independence if his party were to take power in the next provincial elections. 


CORRIERE CANADESE / Housing, il governo tratta con l’Alberta “ribelle”

OTTAWA – Ennesima “grana” per il governo di Justin Trudeau: la premier dell’Alberta, Danielle Smith, intende adottare il modello del Quebec delle relazioni federale-provinciali quando si tratta di questioni come l’edilizia abitativa (quindi in sostanza, vuole maggiore libertà di azione), ed il ministro federale dell’Edilizia Abitativa, il liberale Sean Fraser, si vede costretto a dichiarare la propria disponibilità a “negoziare” con la premier (conservatrice) dell’Alberta… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Housing, the government negotiates with “rebel” Alberta

OTTAWA – Yet another “trouble” for Justin Trudeau’s government: the premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith, intends to adopt the Quebec model of federal-provincial relations when it comes to issues such as housing (so essentially, she wants greater freedom of action), and the federal housing minister, the liberal Sean Fraser, is forced to declare his willingness to “negotiate” with the (conservative) premier of Alberta.  (more…)