Category: Immigration

Canada, crackdown on immigration from Mexico: what changes

OTTAWA – News for Mexicans arriving in Canada. As of today,  at 11:30 p.m. Eastern time, Mexican citizens need a visa to enter Canada unless they meet certain criteria: most existing electronic travel authorizations (eTAs) for Mexican passport holders will be cancelled. Mexican citizens will be able to apply for a new eTA if they are flying to Canada and if: (1) they have held a Canadian tourist visa within the last ten years or (2) they currently hold a valid US non-immigrant visa. Otherwise, they will need a visa.  (more…)

CORRIERE CANADESE / Gli immigrati preferiscono l’Ontario al Quebec

TORONTO – Alcune province canadesi sono più “amate” di altre dagli immigrati in Canada: è quanto emerge da un nuovo rapporto di Statistics Canada, intitolato “Variazione provinciale nei tassi di permanenza degli immigrati, 2022”, che ha messo a confronto le percentuali di immigrati presenti nelle province uno e cinque anni dopo l’ammissione in Canada. Gli anni presi in esame sono 2012 e 2016… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Immigrants: Quebec less loved than Ontario, BC and Alberta

TORONTO – Some Canadian provinces are more “loved” than others by immigrants to Canada: it emerges from a new report by Statistics Canada, entitled “Provincial variation in the retention rates of immigrants, 2022”, which compared the percentages of immigrants present in the provinces one and five years after admission to Canada. The years examined are 2012 and 2016.  (more…)