Category: Your Preferences

CORRIERE CANADESE / Violenze sessuali, Nygard giudicato colpevole

TORONTO – Colpevole di quattro capi di accusa di violenza sessuale, assolto dal quinto capo di imputazione e dall’accusa di sequestro di persona. È questo il verdetto emesso nel quinto giorno di deliberazioni dalla giuria del processo durato sei settimane a carico di Peter Nygard, un tempo a capo di un impero della moda femminile, che era difeso dal noto avvocato Brian Greenspan… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Carbon tax, nuova grana per Trudeau: cinque premier chiedono l’incontro

TORONTO – Le esenzioni sulla Carbon Tax continuano a provocare problemi per Justin Trudeau. Dopo una lunga settimana di scontri, accuse e veleni a Ottawa tra il primo ministro, il leader dell’opposizione Pierre Poilievre e Jaghmeet Singh, caratterizzata dalla bocciatura della mozione del leader dell’Ndp e dal fuoco incrociato dei conservatori contro il governo liberale, ad aprire un nuovo fronte sono cinque premier provinciali, che chiedono a Trudeau un incontro immediato per fare chiarezza sulla delicata questione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Long term impact of emigration from Italy to the world

TORONTO – The population of Canada has increased more than tenfold since the unification (Confederation, 1867) of the colonies under British rule in North America, when it approximately 3,600,000 in total – barely bigger than Toronto and 50% the size of today’s GTA. 

Immigration (and the resulting birth rates) was an important, if not pre-eminent, factor in that growth. Until relatively recently considered a demographic phenomenon, immigration has begun taking its rightful place as an economic policy.


Life support for little Indi Gregory interrupted

LONDON – Barring a miracle, the story of Indi Gregory, the 8-month-old baby affected by a serious genetic pathology and hospitalized in an English hospital, is headed for a tragic epilogue: on Saturday the procedures for the detachment of life support machinery began and the little girl was transferred from the Queen’s Medical Center in Nottingham to a hospice.  Therefore, the last appeal of the parents – who, after having attempted to take her to Italy to have her treated at the Bambino Gesù hospital (for this purpose, the Italian government had granted citizenship to the child), had asked the English doctors to at least be able to take her home – was also rejected . (more…)