Category: Your Preferences

CORRIERE CANADESE / Destination Tropea, the Pearl of the Mediterranean

TORONTO – “It’s a destination spot for all manner of events: from business to academic conferences, to leisure tourism, to arts festivals, to weddings, to foodies looking for that culinary experience produced by master chefs (our grandmothers) working their magic with ingredients only the organic agriproducts unique to our terrain can provide…” that was the introduction to the Tropea experience provided by its enthusiastic First Citizen, Giovanni Macrì, to the Corriere’s editorial board. I had to interrupt; he seemed super-charged and ready to extoll the benefits and virtues of his native Calabrian town… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

CORRIERE CANADESE / “Viva la vita a Tropea”, la Perla del Mediterraneo

TORONTO – “È un luogo di destinazione per qualsiasi tipo di eventi: dagli affari alle conferenze accademiche, dal turismo tradizionale, ai festival artistici, ai matrimoni, ai buongustai alla ricerca di quell’esperienza culinaria prodotta dai maestri chef (le nostre nonne) che creano la loro magia con ingredienti che solo i prodotti agricoli biologici, tipici del nostro territorio, possono offrire…” così ha introdotto l’esperienza tropeana il suo entusiasta Primo Cittadino, Giovanni Macrì, alla redazione del Corriere. Ho dovuto interrompere; sembrava carichissimo e pronto a decantare i benefici e le virtù della sua nativa cittadina calabrese all’infinito… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Liberals looking for a leader: 100,000 voting

TORONTO – In a week we will know who is the new leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. After a heated eight-month campaign with five debates, card-carrying party members cast their votes this weekend for the person they hope will defeat Premier Doug Ford in the next provincial election: 100,000 people registered to vote , the all-time high for the party. “It’s a big challenge,” Ontario’s interim Liberal leader, John Fraser, told reporters. 
