Draghi Government: the ministers

[GTranslate]ROME – Eight technicians and fifteen politicians with some confirmations: the Draghi government is ready. The prime minister in charge went up to Colle to dissolve the reserve and submit the list of ministers to the


President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who approved it, signing the appointment decrees: the oath is scheduled for Saturday 13 February at 12am. Fifteen, therefore, the political ministers: 4 from the M5S, 3 from FI, 3 from the Pd, 3 from the Lega, 1 for Italia Viva and 1 for Leu. But let’s see who is on the government team.

MINISTERS WITHOUT PORTFOLIO. Minister for Relations with Parliament: Federico D’Incà (45 years old, M5S, formerly in the Conte government). Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition: Vittorio Colao (59 years old, technician, former manager of Vodafone). Minister for Public Administration: Renato Brunetta (70, Forza Italia). Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies: Mariastella Gelmini (47, Forza Italia). Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion: Mara Carfagna (45, Forza Italia). Minister for Youth Policies: Fabiana Dadone (37 years old, M5S, formerly in the Conte government). Minister for Equal Opportunities and Family: Elena Bonetti (46 years old, Italia Viva, formerly in the Conte-bis government). Ministry for Disabilities: Erika Stefani (49 years old, Lega, formerly in the first Conte government).

MINISTRIES WITH PORTFOLIO. Tourism Minister: Massimo Garav


aglia (52 years old, Lega). Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation: Luigi Di Maio (M5S, formerly in the Conte government). Ministry of the Interior: Luciana Lamorgese (67 years old, technician, former prefect, former Minister of the Interior in the Conte-bis government). Ministry of Justice: Marta Cartabia (57 years old, technician, former president of the Constitutional Court). Ministry of Defense: Lorenzo Guerini (54 years old, Pd). Minister of Economy and Finance: Daniele Franco (67 years old, technician, general manager of the Bank of Italy and former state accountant general). Ministry of Economic Development: Giancarlo Giorgetti (54 years old, Lega). Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies: Stefano Patuanelli (46 years old, M5S). Minister for Ecological Transition: Roberto Cingolani (60 years old, technician, physicist). Minister of Infrastructure and Transport: Enrico Giovannini (63 years old, technician, university professor and former president of Istat). Minister of Labor and Social Policies: Andrea Orlando (52, deputy secretary of the Democratic Party). Minister of Education: Patrizio Bianchi (68 years old, technician, university professor and former rector). Minister of University and Research: Cristina Messa (technician, university professor, former rector and doctor). Minister of Culture: Dario Franceschini (62 years old, Pd, former Minister of Culture in the Conte-bis government). Minister of Health: Roberto Speranza (42 years old, Leu).