Tag: fifth

Canada’s Fifth Largest Export

When my mother returned to Manila from her visit to Toronto in the early 70s, she was asked of her impressions about the city, to which she gave the following observations: it is too cold and the city is a forest. My mom is gone now yet I think of her as I write this piece. Like her, I’m an urbanite. Born and raised in Manila where trees were a rarity when I was living there, I can only remember one big tree near our place – an Acacia tree. It was so old that people used it as a landmark when giving directions. (more…)

City of Toronto conducting fifth Street Needs Assessment of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto

  • The final complete report will be published in the fall 2021

Photo: Screenshot of a video message of thanks from John Tory to the 2021 SNA participants (Youtube)

Starting on April 19, the City of Toronto will be conducting Toronto’s fifth “Street Needs Assessment” (SNA). The SNA is a city-wide, point-in-time count and survey of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto, led by Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (SSHA), in collaboration with community partners in the homelessness sector. (more…)