Tag: flag

Nota Design: The Pride Flag

La ‘Pride Flag’ – nella sua forma primitiva conosciuta anche come la ‘bandiera arcobaleno’ – risale al 1978 quando fu creata dal designer e attivista gay americano Gilbert Baker per la celebrazione annuale del Gay Freedom Day a San Francisco. Doveva essere un simbolo positivo della diversità e ‘della speranza’ rispetto all’iconografia negativa allora in uso nella comunità gay della città: il triangolo rosa utilizzato nei campi di sterminio nazisti per identificare i ‘deviati’ sessuali… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

HCDSB revisits motion to fly the Pride flag this June

Trustees will gather to vote again on whether to fly the Pride flag at Halton’s Catholic schools this June. The matter will re-surface for discussion (January 18) at the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) meeting. The issue of hoisting the Pride flag outside Catholic schools has been a controversial topic throughout Catholic schools in Ontario. The HCDSB is not exempt from such debate. (more…)

Two teenagers were arrested for burning a rainbow flag in Mississauga

Police reported the arrest of two teenagers suspected of burning a rainbow flag after a video of the incident circulated on social media earlier this month. Investigators from the 12th Division Criminal Investigative Bureau, Region of Peel, completed an investigation that began after a video of a rainbow flag being burned on the ground by students at a school circulated on social media. (more…)