Category: Arts & Culture

Unica: Ilary’s Truth

TORONTO – Much has been written about a certain “psychodrama” coming out of Rome, about what journalists have playfully termed the Royal family of Rome. This is a reference of course to some people’s preoccupation with Ilary Blasi’s former marriage to retired Footballer Francesco Totti. Fortunately, for those who are desperately seeking answers about their dissolved marriage, Ilary Blasi and her team of filmmakers have documented her side of the story.


Marco Bellocchio’s “Rapito” – A Reminder of fine Italian Filmmaking

TORONTO – “Rapito” is a film whose scandalous history befitting of a 19th century Vatican, had initially lured the interest of Steven Spielberg. The American Director reportedly dropped the project after failing to find a suitable child actor for the lead role. While screening the film at Cannes last year, Rapito’s Italian Director Marco Bellocchio hypothesized on the American Director’s decision: “My feeling, speculation of course, is that he [Spielberg] may have seen the complexity of this very Italian and dramatic case, for which the Italian language is not necessarily obligatory, but very precious”


Italian-Canadian Nominated For Academy Award – Best Documentary

TORONTO – One of this year’s Oscar nominated Documentaries, To Kill A Tiger, was produced by Italian-Canadian Producer/Director/Writer Cornelia Principe. A rare feat considering that since 1929 only fifteen Canadians have been nominated in the category. The fine art to making a poignant documentary often hinges on how well the filmmakers execute their journalistic integrity with their ability to tell a story. In the case of To Kill A Tiger, filmmaker Nisha Pahuja documents a local story, but one that is echoed throughout the country. Her challenge is to report on a specific crime while telling a larger and more tragic story. 


CORRIERE CANADESE / ‘Io capitano’ verso gli Oscar. Garrone: “Dietro i numeri ci sono persone e sogni”

TORONTO – Il regista Matteo Garrone dice di aver provato “soddisfazione ed emozione” per la nomination di “Io capitano” all’Oscar nella categoria Miglior film internazionale. È un film, questo, che racconta una storia cruda, fatta di coraggio e dignità e che ha già vinto il Leone d’argento per la miglior regia alla 80ª Mostra internazionale d’arte cinematografica di Venezia. Le dinamiche sociali e la necessità di scandagliare situazioni reali, rifiutando la spettacolarità fine a se stessa sono una costante dei film di Garrone. Che in “Io capitano” – opera di grande carica emotiva e altrettanto grande intensità – ha voluto raccontare il percorso di questi ragazzi attraverso l’Africa dal loro punto di vista: “Mi sono aggrappato alle loro storie, gli attori mi hanno regalato la loro umanità e la loro spiritualità”, dice Garrone. In attesa di volare a Los Angeles il regista ha concesso un’intervista al Corriere CanadeseRead More in Corriere Canadese >>>