Category: GTA

CORRIERE CANADESE / Case, il mercato riprende: vendite in aumento

TORONTO – Chi ha la casa in vendita da mesi e non è ancora riuscito a venderla può, probabilmente, tirare un sospiro di sollievo: il mercato si sta riprendendo, perché i recenti tagli dei tassi di interesse hanno reso più accessibili e sostenibili i mutui e quindi coimprare un’abitazione non è più impossibile (per le persone con uno stipendio normale e senza “tesori” in banca) come invece lo era fino a qualche mese fa… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Homes, the market recovers: sales on the rise in the GTA

TORONTO – Those who have had their house for sale for months and have not yet managed to sell it can probably breathe a sigh of relief: the market is recovering, because recent interest rate cuts have made mortgages more accessible and sustainable and therefore co-buying a house is no longer impossible (for people with a normal salary and without “treasures” in the bank) as it was until a few months ago. 

Kicking off a debate on “tunnel vision”

TORONTO – I am not a card-carrying member of any political party, although that was not always the case. Having said that, I admit to being intrigued by a “seemingly out of the blue” proposal, initiative, plan…the reader can fill in the blank… by Ontario’s Premier, Doug Ford. To my mind, he set the agenda for political debate (cause and consequence; need versus desirability, etc.) by proposing a feasibility study for the construction of an east-west highway under the existing Highway 401that connects Brampton to the Metro Zoo – an approximately 60-kilometre stretch through the geographic middle of the GTA.