Category: Politics

CORRIERE CANADESE / Polemiche sulle schede elettorali Usa

TORONTO – Chiamatemi pure cinico, ma ho smesso di credere che in politica accadano “eventi imprevisti”, a meno che non siano eventi naturali che possono abbattersi sui “migliori piani di topi e uomini”. Non sono nemmeno un teorico della cospirazione. In questo contesto, ciò che si sta svolgendo nel processo elettorale americano avrà un impatto “a cascata” sul Canada e altrove… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Political turmoil everywhere in the Presidential election

TORONTO – Call me cynical but I stopped believing that “unplanned events” happen in politics, unless they are occurrences in Nature that may descend upon the “best laid plans of mice and men.” I am also not a conspiracy theorist. In this context, what is unfolding in the American electoral process will have its “trickle down” impact on Canada, and elsewhere. 


Political Fame: Here Today – Gone Yesterday

TORONTO – With each passing day, I become more convinced that the primary function of political systems and political aspirants is to demonstrate the folly of socio-political structures based on some ideology not even their founders understand much less care to support. Poor Joe Biden – remember him? – mere hours after his inevitable abject decision to withdraw from a race he had won (only the scheduled “medallion award ceremony” needed to take place), an army of concerned partisans and pundits descended on Media and Press to advance for their patrons.
