Tag: immigration

L’odissea degli studenti internazionali: formati, assunti e poi rispediti a casa. Il caso di una ragazza italiana

TORONTO – Un doppio Master, uno in Italia dopo la laurea triennale in una delle più prestigiose università italiane ed un secondo in Canada. Poi, un lavoro fisso a Toronto. Ma non basta. Anche lei, come tanti altri giovani italiani ed europei, forse dovrà tornare in Italia perché ottenere un visto più lungo sembra impossibile (per non parlare del “miraggio” meglio noto con il nome di Residenza Permanente, in gergo P.R.)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>

The odyssey of international students in Canada: trained, hired, then sent back home

TORONTO – A double Master’s, one in Italy after a three-year degree in one of the most prestigious Italian universities and a second one in Canada. Then, a permanent job in Toronto. But that’s not enough. Also, she, like many other young Italians and Europeans, will have to return to Italy because it seems impossible to obtain a visa extension (not to mention the “mirage” better known by the name of Permanent Residence: the PR). 


Minister Fraser announces a broad-based engagement initiative for “an immigration system strong, easy to navigate and adaptive to change”

HALIFAX – Immigration is critical to Canada’s long-term success. And, to fully harness the potential of immigration and create the best experience for newcomers, Canada needs an immigration system that is strong, easy to navigate and adaptive to change. Better than now, in short, given the many issues associated with (wel)coming in Canada. (more…)