Tag: knees,

Bank of Canada brings Canadian families to their knees

TORONTO – The Bank of Canada’s one percent interest rate hike on Wednesday took many by surprise (the institute had predicted a lower increase) and is likely to have a major financial impact for many Canadians. Also an economist, finally, says it. “It will have an immediate and rather dramatic effect on loan costs for many people,” Stephen Brown, a senior Canadian economist at Capital Economics, told CTV‘s “Your Morning” today, stating what everyone knows but few say openly: Canadian central bank interest rate hike raises mortgage and loan repayments: it’s so obvious.  (more…)

Torontonians on their knees, but City raises taxes

TORONTO – In full pandemic, after two disastrous years for everyone from a financial point of view, the City of Toronto increases property taxes by 4.4%. The City had announced it and the Budget Committee reiterated it today, unanimously, in view of the approval by the city council, scheduled for next February 17. A sort of “coup de grace” that the administration led by Mayor John Tory (in the pic above, from his Twitter profile) is about to inflict on the inhabitants of Toronto, now economically in agony after two years spent in the grip of Covid-19. (more…)