Tag: quebec

Another 21 victims and active cases still decreasing in Ontario but not in Quebec

TORONTO – The “swing” of Covid hospitalizations continues: one day they drop, the next day they increase, and so on. Today in Ontario is the day of the decline: from the 1,734 yesterday to the 1,661 today. 202 patients in intensive care compared to 211 on Wednesday. The positive note is that there is a constant good data (at least so far) and it is that of the decline in active and known cases: today 31,464 against 31,675 on Wednesday (32,747 on Tuesday, 33,905 on Monday and 34,520 on Sunday). (more…)

Covid-19, in Ontario casi attivi in calo da quattro giorni

TORONTO – Nuovo, lieve aumento dei pazienti infetti presenti negli ospedali dell’Ontario: 1.734 le persone ieri, contro le 1.730 delle 24 ore precedenti. 211 sono in terapia intensiva, otto in meno rispetto a mercoledì ma otto in più rispetto ad una settimana fa: 92 respirano con l’aiuto di un ventilatore. Tanti i decessi registrati ieri: 22, che portano il totale in Ontario, da inizio pandemia, a 12.772… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>