Tag: when?

Woman accuses Ottawa of discrimination, when trying to bring her Cuban husband to Canada

Lauren Degilio y Iosvany Vega Pileta denuncian el letargo del sistema de patrocinio de cónyuges.

The Ministry of Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship of Canada (IRCC, for its acronym in English) received a new indictment for slowing down the process of sponsorship of foreigners by their Canadian partners. This time it is Lauren Degilio, a Montreal woman, who accuses the IRCC of discrimination when trying to obtain permission to bring her husband Iosvany Vega Pileta, who lives in Cuba, to Canada. (more…)

Will there be a change in the balance of powers in Europe? Will Russia create a buffer zone and if so, when?

Events such as the expulsion of Russian diplomats from European Union countries – from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, the withdrawal of European diplomats from Russia, the sudden call of the US ambassador to Russia for consultations with President Biden, the unexpected and sudden visit of the president – dictator of Belarus yesterday in Moscow, as well as the convening of the Federation Council of Russia – the upper house of the Russian parliament, which, among others convened before approving the change of borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and also before deciding to use the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation abroad – they prove that the situation in Europe is becoming more and more tense. (more…)