Author: cnmng

Multilingual Press and Media Council, three Awards to the Corriere

TORONTO – The multilingual press plays a fundamental and irreplaceable role in Canadian journalistic panorama and for this reason it must be protected and promoted. This is the message that emerged at the gala evening on Friday evening, where the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada (NEPMCC) conferred the most valued awards recognizing the merit of journalists in the multilingual marketplace of our country.


Il Canada si doterà presto di un regime di trust di proprietà dei dipendenti (EOT)

Pubblichiamo una nota dell’Onorevole Tony Loffreda (nella foto sopra), senatore canadese indipendente, sul regime di trust di proprietà dei dipendenti (EOT).

Il Canada si doterà presto di un regime di trust di proprietà dei dipendenti (EOT). Era risaputo che sarebbe successo, visto che nella Legge di Bilancio del 2021 il Governo federale aveva espresso per la prima volta l’intenzione di impegnarsi con le parti interessate ad esaminare gli ostacoli che si frappongono alla creazione di questi trust. 


Des consultations réussies au niveau fédéral: Les fiducies collectives des employés arrivent au Canada

Nous publions une mise à jour de l’honorable Tony Loffreda (dans la photo ci-dessus), sénateur canadien indépendant, sur régime de fiducies collectives des employés (FCE).

Le Canada disposera bientôt d’un régime de fiducies collectives des employés (FCE). Nous savions que cela allait arriver, car le gouvernement fédéral avait d’abord exprimé son intention de s’engager avec les parties prenantes pour examiner les obstacles à la création de ces fiducies dans le budget 2021. 


A Success Story in Consultations at the Federal Level: Employee Ownership Trusts Are Coming to Canada

We publish an update from the Honorable Tony Loffreda (in the pic above), independent Canadian senator, about the employee ownership trust (EOT) regime.

Canada will soon have an employee ownership trust (EOT) regime. We knew this was coming as the Federal Government had first articulated its intention to engage with stakeholders to examine what barriers exist to the creation of these trusts in Budget 2021. 
