Carpenters and Lido – A culture of gratitude at Christmas

TORONTO – It is that time of year when, irrespective of religious affiliation, men and women of goodwill reflect on those who have been a part of their life and accomplishments in the preceding months and take time out to acknowledge them with tokens of appreciation or occasion to break bread together in thanks.

Lido Construction, over the years, has hosted Christmas banquets (in the opinion of a Polish friend) whose quality will surely have earned its owner a smooth sailing into what awaits people renowned for good works in our afterlife. This year was no exception.

Its president, Donato Montesano – a foundational and inspirational partner in the revival of the Corriere Canadese – is also a long-standing and certified carpenter- member of the Carpenters Union and member of its Local 27. Not surprisingly, several decades ago, the executive of the Union (multi-ethnic and multiracial) adopted this same culture of giving.

It attracts people from the entrepreneurial and political class [of all stripes] because, at these events, they experience people who “walk the talk”. Through our photo essay on this page and on our online edition on, you’ll see representatives of municipal, provincial and federal governments, leaders who have left, those who are emerging and those who have moved on. They feel an attraction to Lido and to the Carpenters.