Category: Employment

Trudeau offers ‘discounts’. Blanchet: “He’s buying votes”

TORONTO – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in “free fall” in the polls, is playing the pre-Christmas “tax break” card: a two-month suspension of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the HST (Harmonized Sales Tax, a harmonized sales tax that is charged only in some provinces of Canada) on basic necessities, children’s clothing and diapers but also restaurants, beer and wine, as well as numerous other products. Not only that: at the beginning of Spring 2025, all Canadians who worked in 2023 and earned up to $150,000 after taxes will receive a “bonus” of $250. 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Vita troppo cara: un canadese su quattro fa un lavoro “gig”

TORONTO – Sono sempre più numerosi i canadesi che cercano di incrementare il proprio reddito facendo un lavoro temporaneo da freelance, il cosiddetto “gig”, per poter far fronte al crescente costo della vita: è quanto emerge da un nuovo rapporto condotto dalla compagnia assicurativa “Securian Canada” in collaborazione con l’Angus Reid Institute… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>