Category: Featured

The appeal of an Italian chef: “Please, help my family smile again”

TORONTO – When he arrived in Toronto, almost ten years ago, his dream was the same of many Italians who come here to Canada: to give a better future to their family. But he had one more hope: to recover from a serious pathology and therefore be able to work and give his best for his loved ones in Italy. Sometimes, however, everything seems to work against us: first the pandemic, then the worsening of his physical condition and, now, his daughter’s health problems have shattered that dream.  (more…)

Cuts and $14,9 in bonuses: the CBC scandal

TORONTO – A few months after the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) announced the cut of 800 jobs, information obtained from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation and published yesterday by the National Post shows that Crown Corp has distributed 14.9 million dollars in bonuses in 2023. And since 2015, again according to the federation, the CBC has issued $114 million in bonuses.  (more…)

Beds like homes: people don’t like Ford’s idea

TORONTO – Prime Minister Doug Ford tried a magic shot by including the beds in newly built Long Term Care Homes (nursing and retirement homes for the elderly) in the house count. And he did it openly. He also told reporters on Friday: “I challenge anyone to talk to these elderly people and tell them they have a bed and not a house” the Ontario premier said. “They have their own room, they eat in a dining room with everyone else. These are homes…”.  (more…)

Canada’s most popular premier is Wab Kinew (Manitoba), only 34% for Doug Ford (Ontario)

TORONTO – For three of Canada’s provincial leaders, election season is near. Scott Moe of Saskatchewan and David Eby of British Columbia enter the October contests in a relatively strong position, with the approval of about half of their respective voters. For Premier Blaine Higgs in New Brunswick, instead, the path to re-election seems steeper: Higgs is currently the least popular provincial leader in the entire country.

This is what emerges from the approval ranking of Canada’s provincial premiers, drawn up by the Angus Reid Institute, with data updated to March 2024.

Let’s start with Doug Ford, premier of Ontario. Last month, he reiterated that he intends to “Get It Done” by introducing new legislation to simplify infrastructure projects, shorten environmental assessments, speed up approval processes, in order to build more, and faster. With the “hunger” for homes that exists, it should be a popular decision, but evidently it was not enough to revive Ford’s approval after the various scandals, controversies and about-faces: the Greenbelt, the Region of Peel, the law on wage limitation… long gone are the times (spring/summer 2020) when Ford’s popularity was close to 70%, now he has to settle for 34%, a percentage that he’s not able to exceed from the end of 2022.

Then there are the three prime ministers “on the cusp” of elections, in the provinces where elections will be held soon (in October): Saskatchewan, British Columbia and New Brunswick.

Premier Scott Moe of Saskatchewan remains among the most popular leaders in the country (he is one of only two leaders to exceed the majority threshold this quarter: 53%) and among his most popular moves is, certainly, the decision to not collect the carbon tax and distribute discounts to residents. An initiative that infuriated the federal government, but which earned points for the conservative Moe.

The premier of B.C. is doing well: David Eby of the NDP, approved by about half of residents (48%), a percentage that has remained unchanged for over a year now. The Eby government has announced significant new spending on housing and various affordability relief in its 2024 budget, which will project a deficit of more than $7 billion for 2024/25 (around double the projection outlined in the 2024 budget). 2023). Someone defined it as “the party’s electoral platform”.

Instead, the premier of New Brunswick, Blaine Higgs, a conservative, is doing badly and is preparing to face the elections as the least popular prime minister in the country: Higgs is in fact “liked” by only 31% of the residents of his province. In recent months, he has defended parents’ rights against LGBTQ2+ policies in schools and recently invested $75 million in funding for affordability – two initiatives that have earned him some points, given that a year ago it had dropped to 25%. But it is still light years away from that 80% of popularity achieved in the now very distant 2020.

And who is Canada’s most popular prime minister? Wab Kinew, NDP, premier of Manitoba, son of a First Nation chief: for him, the approval rating as of March 2024 is 63%. He’s “on his honeymoon” because he was recently elected, and he will present his first budget on April 2: apparently, it will focus on healthcare and low-carbon energy investments. Let’s see if his policies will confirm him as Canada’s most loved prime minister.

The others (Smith, Furey and Houston) “float” between 40 and 50 percent, while Legault is second to last at 32% where he plummeted within a year after losing over twenty points. A disaster.

To see the complete report, click here: Premiers’ Performance: In election year, half approve of Moe and Eby, Higgs has steep hill to climb – Angus Reid Institute

Above, the graph created by the Angus Reid Institute (from

The AGO protest was intimidation fuelled by police inaction

We publish an article by Flavio Volpe, from last Thursday’s edition of the Toronto Star.

TORONTO – Eighteen years before my grandfather Luciano emigrated from postwar Italy and settled in Kensington Market, Italians and Jews in Toronto stood together to fight racism and bigotry in the famous Christie Pits riot of 1933. Long a legend of Toronto race relations, that anecdote was on the minds of many of the attendees of the derailed Italy-Canada friendship reception at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) on Saturday night. 
