Category: The Environment

Ontario, the (covered up) climate report is scary

TORONTO – A new report commissioned by the government of Premier Doug Ford – but somehow “covered up” by the government itself – warns that climate change poses high risks for Ontario, with impacts on everything from food production to infrastructure and businesses. The report – called the Provincial Climate Change Impact Assessment and carried out by a team of researchers from the Sudbury-based Climate Risk Institute – predicts an increasing number of days with extreme heat across Ontario, as well as an increase in flooding and fires.  (more…)

CORRIERE CANADESE / Incendi e temperature record: la BC soffoca

TORONTO – Mentre gli incendi attivi in British Columbia sono ancora 395, inclusi 12 che rappresentano una minaccia per la sicurezza pubblica, ampie porzioni della provincia continuano a “soffocare” a causa delle elevate temperature. Environment Canada afferma che le temperature si spingeranno nuovamente vicino od oltre i 30°C in alcune parti del distretto regionale di Peace River e della municipalità regionale delle Montagne Rocciose settentrionali… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>