Category: Covid-19 Updates

Ontario: in classroom without masks, at least for now

TORONTO – Ontario school students will not have to wear masks during the fall semester: the Ministry of Education confirmed it today. The use of protective equipment will be voluntary and masks will be available to students upon request. Rapid tests will also remain available in schools. 

The fall semester 2022 will therefore be the first, complete, since the beginning of the pandemic, in which Ontario students will not be forced to wear masks. Unless the situation worsens and the reintroduction of security measures is not necessary. On this, however, the government has not yet expressed itself: the details of a possible “plan B” in the event of an increase in infections are lacking. (more…)

Covid-19, iniziate le vaccinazioni dei bambini da 6 mesi a 5 anni

TORONTO – Ieri la Provincia dell’Ontario ha aperto le prenotazioni per i vaccini anti-Covid ai neonati e bambini in età prescolare: gli appuntamenti – per i piccoli di età compresa tra sei mesi e meno di cinque anni – sono dunque disponibili attraverso il portale on line della provincia e molti genitori hanno tirato un sospiro di sollievo, come quelli intervistati dalla CBCRead More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Covid-19, Ontario starts vaccinations for children between 6 months and 5 years old

TORONTO – Today the Province of Ontario opened reservations for anti-Covid vaccines to infants and preschool children: the appointments – for children aged between six months and less than five years – are therefore available through the portal on line of the province and many parents breathed a sigh of relief, like those interviewed by the CBC. Like Sapphire Miller, mother of two children aged 15 months and four: “I am happy to offer my children extra protection,” she said.  (more…)