Category: Breaking News

Classes oversize at TCDSB’s schools, parents organize the protest

TORONTO – Classes oversize in the schools of the Toronto Catholic District School Board: the parents are preparing the protest. After the decision of the TCDSB to increase the number of students in the classrooms, exceeding the number of thirty for each classroom, “to save money” (the salaries of teachers whose number will be reduced), the families have decided to organize protests in front of the schools, tomorrow, from 8.30 to 10.  (more…)

Elections, the Liberals win. The counting of votes continues: minority or majority government?

TORONTO – With numerous polling stations still in the counting phase, Justin Trudeau’s victory in the federal elections is already clear. These are the percentages as we write (around 10.30 pm): Liberals 37.5%, Conservatives 32.8%, NDP 16.2%, Bloc Quebecois 5.5%, People Party 4.7%, Green 2, 5%. At the moment, the Liberals would not have the seats for a majority government (they are stuck at 144 against 117 for the Conservatives) but the results of many seats are still lacking.

The photo is taken from the Twitter profile of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau