Category: Breaking News

“La-La Land’s” Contemptuous disregard for rules

TORONTO – That, in a nutshell, is how two citizens interpreted Justin Trudeau’s request for prorogation of Parliament on January 6, 2025, when he asked the Governor General to “suspend all Parliamentary functions” until March 24. To summarize: no new legislative proposals; no legislative approvals: no Committee deliberations; no new budgetary expenditures; no authoritative voice for Canada on international etc. 

Trudeau resignation, the oppositions unanimously: “The real ruin is the Liberals”. And Trump insists: “Canada 51st State”

OTTAWA – What will change after Justin Trudeau’s step back? Nothing, according to Conservative opposition leader Pierre Poilievre, at least as long as the Liberals govern, because “every Liberal MP in power today and every potential Liberal leadership contender fighting for the top job helped Justin Trudeau break the country over the last 9 years”. 

Trudeau resigns as Liberal leader, will remain prime minister pro tempore

TORONTO – The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, during a press conference organized this morning (in the pic above), announced his resignation as leader of the Liberal Party and at the same time his stepping back from the leadership of the executive once the grit have been able to equip themselves with new leadership. In essence, he will remain prime minister pro tempore, in conjunction with the activation of the prorogation that ends the parliamentary session until March 24. By that date – but in this case there is no confirmation – the Liberals will have to elect a new leader who will automatically become prime minister. At this point the ball is in the Party’s court, which will have to produce a road map within a short time to arrive at the election of the new leader.


TORONTO – Oggi, 20 dicembre 2023, il primo ministro Justin Trudeau ha annunciato la nomina di Toni Varone (nella foto sopra) al Senato del Canada. Dal punto di vista comunitario, una nomina a proposito era attesa da tempo. Non c’è stato senatore della comunità italocanadese residente in Ontario da quando l’ex senatore Consiglio Di Nino si è ritirato da quella carica nel 2012 (more to come…)