Category: News Updates

CORRIERE CANADESE / Caos Carbon Tax: fuoco incrociato su Justin Trudeau per gli aumenti

TORONTO – Justin Trudeau ancora nel mirino sulla controversa Carbon Tax. Il fronte degli oppositori agli aumenti dell’imposta – che scatteranno il prossimo 1 aprile – continua ad ingrossarsi, con il malcontento strisciante che non segue le tradizionali divisioni partitiche, ma che al contrario scavalca le barriere politiche a diventa bipartisan… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Italian-Canadian Nominated For Academy Award – Best Documentary

TORONTO – One of this year’s Oscar nominated Documentaries, To Kill A Tiger, was produced by Italian-Canadian Producer/Director/Writer Cornelia Principe. A rare feat considering that since 1929 only fifteen Canadians have been nominated in the category. The fine art to making a poignant documentary often hinges on how well the filmmakers execute their journalistic integrity with their ability to tell a story. In the case of To Kill A Tiger, filmmaker Nisha Pahuja documents a local story, but one that is echoed throughout the country. Her challenge is to report on a specific crime while telling a larger and more tragic story. 
