Category: World News

CORRIERE CANADESE / Indi è morta in un hospice fra le braccia della mamma. Rabbia e sconcerto in Italia

LONDRA – Indi Gregory è morta in un freddo hospice inglese dove era stata trasferita dopo che l’ospedale Queen’s Medical Centre di Nottingham aveva interrotto i supporti vitali, come stabilito dall’Alta Corte inglese contro il parere dei genitori. “Ha una malattia incurabile ed è contro il suo interesse tenerla in vita”, avevano sentenziato i giudici britannici… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

The Brits “killed” Indi. Her father: “I’m angry, heartbroken and ashamned”

LONDON – Indi Gregory died in a cold English hospice where she had been transferred after the Queen’s Medical Center hospital in Nottingham stopped life support, as ruled by the English High Court against the advice of her parents. “She has an incurable disease and it is against her best interests to keep her alive”, British judges had ruled.  (more…)

Long term impact of emigration from Italy to the world

TORONTO – The population of Canada has increased more than tenfold since the unification (Confederation, 1867) of the colonies under British rule in North America, when it approximately 3,600,000 in total – barely bigger than Toronto and 50% the size of today’s GTA. 

Immigration (and the resulting birth rates) was an important, if not pre-eminent, factor in that growth. Until relatively recently considered a demographic phenomenon, immigration has begun taking its rightful place as an economic policy.
