Indi, the English judge: “Stop life support”

ROME – All Italy’s attempts to try to save little Indi seem to have fallen on deaf ears: English judge Robert Peel decided today that life support for Indi Gregory, the 8-month-old girl with an incurable degenerative mitochondrial disease, will be removed starting from 3pm, Italian time, tomorrow, November 9th. The family, supported by the “Christian Legal Centre”, will appeal. 

Indi’s parents couldn’t even convince a London High Court judge to allow their little girl to end her life at home. The judge concluded that extubation and palliative care at the family’s home would be “virtually impossible” and “contrary to Indi’s best interests”. And he accepted what the doctors claimed that the little girl should be extubated in a hospice if the parents, Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth, do not choose to leave her in hospital.

Dean himself launches a new desperate appeal: “As a father I have never asked or begged for anything in my life, but now I beg the British government to help me save our daughter’s life”. And then he accuses: “The leaders of the national health service threatened to remove life support today, without the presence of family members”.

In the early afternoon today, at the request of Indi’s family, the Italian consul in Manchester, Matteo Corradini, in his role as guardianship judge had issued an emergency measure, declaring the competence of the Italian judge and authorizing the adoption of the proposed therapeutic plan from the “Bambin Gesù” hospital in Rome and the transfer of the minor to Rome, after the Italian government granted her, in record time, Italian citizenship precisely to facilitate her transfer to the Bel Paese where the parents, despite the doctors’ opinions English, he would be ready to transfer her immediately.

The consul also appointed the general director of the Roman hospital, Antonio Perno, curator of Indi. The emergency decree was communicated to Nottingham’s Queen’s Medical Center where the little girl is currently hospitalized “in order to encourage the desirable collaboration between the health authorities of the two countries”. The family’s lawyers who look after their interests in Italy made it known, including the former senator of the right party Lega, Simone Pillon.

Pic from the social networks