Tag: dong

Interferenze cinesi, Dong lascia i Liberali

TORONTO – Han Dong ha gettato la spugna. Il deputato di origine cinese finito nella bufera delle “interferenze” ha annunciato, ieri, in lacrime (nella foto sopra), le sue dimissioni dai Liberali: da oggi siederà dunque nella House of Commons come deputato indipendente. “Continuerò a servire i residenti di Don Valley North (a Toronto, dove è stato eletto, ndr) … Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Chinese interference, Dong (in tears) leaves the Liberals

TORONTO – Han Dong has thrown in the towel. The deputy of Chinese origin who fell into the storm of “interference” announced his resignation from the Liberals, today, in tears (in the pic above): he will therefore sit in the House of Commons as an independent deputy. “I will continue to serve the residents of Don Valley North (in Toronto, where he was elected, ed.) as an independent member of this House. I am taking these extraordinary steps because sitting on the government caucus is a privilege and my presence could be seen as a conflict” Dong said, adding that he will work to clear his name in the meantime. 


Interferenze cinesi in Canada, anche Singh vuole l’inchiesta. Han Dong: “Accuse false”

TORONTO – È la “stampella” del governo Trudeau, ma su questo evidentemente non può appoggiarlo: anche il leader dell’NDP, Jagmeet Singh, chiede l’apertura di un’inchiesta pubblica sulle (presunte) interferenze cinese sulle elezioni federali del 2019, unendosi così all’appello di diversi funzionari di alto profilo… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Chinese interference in Canada, also Singh wants an investigation. Han Dong: “False allegations”

TORONTO – He’s the “crutch” of Trudeau government, but obviously cannot support it on this: even the leader of the NDP, Jagmeet Singh (in the pic above, from his Twitter profile – @theJagmeetSingh), is asking for the opening of a public inquiry into the (alleged) Chinese interference in the 2019 federal elections, thus joining the call of several high-profile officials.  (more…)

“Ding dong the witch is dead”, Villa Charities in chaos

[GTranslate]TORONTO – Not since the collapse of the ill-conceived, ill-fated massive condominium redevelopment project for the Columbus Centre, in 2018, has the Corriere Canadese been deluged with so many emails and expressions of joy and delights of “ding-dong the witch is dead”. TORONTO – Not since the collapse of the ill-conceived, ill-fated massive condominium redevelopment project for the Columbus Centre, in 2018, has the Corriere Canadese been deluged with so many emails and expressions of joy and delights of “ding-dong the witch is dead”. It was a bitter-sweet reaction of relief then as it is a hollow effusion of victory today. Even if Anthony Di Caita is indeed gone. (more…)