Tag: elliott:

Contagi in aumento, Elliott non si preoccupa ma Ford è più cauto

TORONTO – Nessuna inversione di rotta. Non è andato a segno l’allarme lanciato dal direttore del Science Advisory Table dell’Ontario Peter Juni in seguito al costante aumento di contagi di Covid-19 nella provincia. Ieri sulla questione è intervenuta la ministra della Salute Christine Elliott che ha messo in chiaro che è tutto sotto controllo, il piano di riapertura non cambierà. “Un aumento dei casi è stato previsto con l’arrivo del freddo dal momento che le persone trascorrono maggior tempo a casa, e questo è stato preso in considerazione dalla provincia”, ha dichiarato… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Infections on the rise, Elliott does not worry but Ford is more cautious

TORONTO – No turnaround. The alarm launched by the director of the Ontario Science Advisory Table Peter Juni following the constant increase in Covid-19 infections in the province did not go well. Today the Minister of Health Christine Elliott intervened on the issue and made it clear that everything is under control, the reopening plan will not change. “An increase in cases was predicted with the arrival of cold weather since people spend more time at home, and this was taken into account by the province,” she said.  (more…)

School, Minister Elliott: “Our weapon is vaccines”

TORONTO – Hope, to eradicate Covid-19 among children, is placed in the vaccine. This was reiterated today – just a day after Pfizer formally asked Health Canada to approve its vaccine for use in children between the ages of five and 11 – by Health Minister Christine Elliott. As soon as the green light arrives, Elliott said clearly, we will be “ready to go”: “We are actively working with public health units to draw up a plan for the administration of the vaccine, we will be ready – as soon as it is approved by Health Canada – to distribute it and make it available to children throughout the province – said the minister – I know that parents are worried but they do not have to be because we will be ready, we are actively working on this and are in the process of finalizing the plan right now.”  (more…)