Tag: food

Food Bank, non si può vivere con $15mila annui

TORONTO – Con l’aumento del costo della vita, sempre più canadesi si rivolgono alle food bank (banche alimentari) per ricevere supporto. Secondo un nuovo rapporto, HungerCount 2021 di Food Banks Canada, nel marzo del 2021 più di 1,3 milioni di canadesi hanno visitato le banche del cibo. A livello nazionale, la domanda di banchi alimentari è aumentata del 20% rispetto a marzo 2019, l’aumento più rapido dalla recessione economica del 2008… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

The food waste problem and the offending culprits

Food is essential to our survival. With food prices on the rise, roughly two out of five Canadians have altered their behaviour when shopping for groceries, all in an effort to save money. While it costs more to feed our families, it may also cause us to reflect on how much food we waste.

According to the United Nation’s Environment Programme (UNEP) Food Waste Index Report 2021, it is estimated that on a global level, food waste totals 931 million tonnes (Mt) annually. (more…)

Consumers forced to adapt as food prices increase

Your next trip to the supermarket may find you spending more than what you used to spend for your grocery needs. As the cost of living increases, nearly everything goes up in price, including the cost of food.

It may be more challenging for households to manage their food budget. For instance, Statistics Canada reported the cost of food grew 2.7% in August, up from the same time last year. (more…)

The Rising Food Prices during this Pandemic

TORONTO – A friend once commented on the price of a Big Mac, that if you eat it regularly, like once a week, you don’t notice the price increase because it’s in the cents. But, if you order it, say, once every six months, or in my case, in a gap of almost two years because of the pandemic, you feel the crunch, as I did when I ordered two Big Mac meals three weeks ago. I paid $23 and some cents! My friend then added, it’s good if you have the coupon because you pay just a little over half of the regular price. The question that begs answering is, how often does Big Mac come up with coupons. (more…)