Tag: masks

Ontario back-to-school plan: vaccine status not required but masks are mandatory inside

TORONTO – There are trips, school assemblies, music education and extracurricular activities in the return-to-school plan released yesterday by the Ministry of Education. Twenty-nine pages that contain the plan for the full-time return of both elementary and high school students even if the option of distance learning always remains valid. From September, students “will attend face-to-face classes every day for the entire school day (five hours of instruction) in elementary and secondary schools throughout the province. For secondary schools, “some school councils may implement an alternate week or ‘modified semester’ pattern.” (more…)

The new guidelines for immunized: no masks in small groups

TORONTO – A small but significant step toward a return to pre-pandemic normality in Canada. This is confirmed by the new guidelines announced by the federal authorities for all people immunized against Covid-19, that is, who received the two doses of vaccine and who waited another two weeks after the recall injection. In the new protocols, there is no generalized ‘free all’. On the contrary, a long list of situations is listed in which those who have been vaccinated will have obvious advantages over those who have not yet done so. (more…)