Tag: working

Jones (Flair Airlines): “We are working hard to make travel easier”

TORONTO (Corriere Canadese / exclusive preview) – Airports, you know, are in chaos. First, the anti-Covid restrictions were “blamed”, then – once those measures were relaxed – it emerged that the real problem was the shortage of staff at airports and airlines. To understand the real situation, we decided to go “behind the scenes” through a young Canadian airline: Flair Airlines, an independent ultra-low-cost company born in 2017 and led by Stephen Jones. We asked him, the President and CEO of Flair Airlines, a series of questions, starting with those necessary to know his company. (more…)

Mercoledì di Rochester: The Joy of Working

Una psicologa accademica americana, Kathleen Vohs, dell’Università del Minnesota, ha compiuto una ricerca sui soldi e la percezione del dolore. L’esperimento è stato strutturato facendo contare a mano delle banconote dalla metà dei partecipanti e poi, dall’altra metà, un identico numero di biglietti di carta bianca. Finito di contare, entrambi i gruppi dovevano immergere le mani in una scodella di acqua caldissima e riferire del livello di dolore provato… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Vaughan-Woodbridge: A hard working community with a strong Italian presence

The electoral district of Vaughan-Woodbridge is located along the south western edge of York Region. It was created by the 2012 electoral boundaries redistribution and encompasses the neighbourhood of Woodbridge and part of the City of Vaughan.

The constituency is home to the highest concentration of Italian Canadians in Canada. With an area population of 105,228 residents (2016 Census), more than half – 55,960 people – identify as Italian. (more…)

Ontario Medical Association and Coalition for Kids call for mandatory vaccines for anyone working in a school

TORONTO – With the return to school approaching by great strides, the pressure on the Ontario government to make vaccination of teachers and non-teaching staff mandatory increases. Raising the voice is the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) with a statement signed by the president, Dr. Adam Kassam: “Schools should be safe places for everyone. That’s why we’re asking for vaccination for teachers and those who work in schools in addition to the mandatory use of masks inside and other measures when schools reopen in September,” Kassam said. (more…)