The Hunka-case: “Rota resigned. And what does Trudeau do instead?

OTTAWA – After months of denials, evidence has emerged in recent days that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (or at least his office) had also invited Yaroslav Hunka to an official federal government event: not just any Ukrainian-Canadian veteran, but Yaroslav Hunka, the 98-year-old who served in the Nazi SS as a young man and who was guest of honor in the House of Commons during the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last September, received a standing ovation. 

Subsequently, as is known, it was discovered who Hunka was and, out of a sense of responsibility, the speaker of the House, the Italian-Canadian Anthony Rota, resigned. And all “his” (liberal MPs and ministers) have dumped him, starting with Justin Trudeau who, however – as has been discovered in recent days thanks to a scoop from Rebel News (the article is here) – , had a in turn invited Hunka to an event in Toronto on the occasion of Zelensky’s visit.

“Will he hold himself to the very same standard and admit that he’s not fit for office?” Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, once he learned the news, during question time in the House yesterday. Justin Trudeau attempted to “turn the tables”, saying that “the attacks that the opposition leader chose to launch against the Ukrainian-Canadian Congress (which had provided the guest list to the events with Zelensky, which also included Hunka , ed.) demonstrate the extent to which this Conservative Party no longer stands with Ukraine” Trudeau said.

Toronto Sun columnist Brian Lilley commented: “If Liberal MPs and cabinet ministers truly believed that one of their own, Anthony Rota, had to resign as speaker over what happened last September, then surely they must feel the same way about Trudeau. Or, at least, they would if they had any standards other than double standards…” (the full article is here).

In the photo above: the leader of the Conservatives, Pierre Poilievre, during question time in the House of Commons